Palace of Culture and Science


In August 2022, after twelve years of installing permanent illumination on the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, we proceeded to replace the old luminaires with new ones. The scope of work included replacing the luminaires on the side of Marszalkowska Street.
The new generation of fixtures from the Italian brand Griven - Capital 600 provides the widest range of warm white tones and pastel tones, in addition, the fixtures were equipped with an integrated anti-icing system with electrically heated glass which ensures comfortable operation even in the most severe weather conditions.

In August 2022, after twelve years of installing permanent illumination on the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, we proceeded to replace the old luminaires with new ones. The scope of work included replacing the luminaires on the side of Marszalkowska Street.

The new generation of fixtures from the Italian brand Griven - Capital 600 provides the widest range of warm white tones and pastel tones, in addition, the fixtures were equipped with an integrated anti-icing system with electrically heated glass which ensures comfortable operation even in the most severe weather conditions.

Project info

Project name : Palace of Culture and Science
Date : 2022-08
Location: Warsaw
Category : Architecture

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