Empik Cepelia


We are happy to announce that we were honored to add our contribution to the modernization of the iconic Cepelia pavilion - a place that has regained its former splendor. As a Prolight company, we equipped a special area in the new Empik store with stage lighting, created for events with artists.
Among other things, we installed there 8 pieces of ROBE lighting LedBeam 150 - compact, yet extremely efficient devices that will work perfectly in this space.
All lighting is controlled by Visual Productions' automated solutions.
This space will become a vibrant spot on the cultural map of Warsaw. Author meetings, premieres, live podcasts - state-of-the-art technologies, including our contribution of advanced lighting, will create an unforgettable experience for guests of the Empik.
We invite you to visit the renovated Cepelia - the new flagship Empik in the heart of the city!

We are happy to announce that we were honored to add our contribution to the modernization of the iconic Cepelia pavilion - a place that has regained its former splendor. As a Prolight company, we equipped a special area in the new Empik store with stage lighting, created for events with artists.

Among other things, we installed there 8 pieces of ROBE lighting LedBeam 150 - compact, yet extremely efficient devices that will work perfectly in this space.

All lighting is controlled by Visual Productions' automated solutions.

This space will become a vibrant spot on the cultural map of Warsaw. Author meetings, premieres, live podcasts - state-of-the-art technologies, including our contribution of advanced lighting, will create an unforgettable experience for guests of the Empik.

We invite you to visit the renovated Cepelia - the new flagship Empik in the heart of the city!

Project info

Project name : Empik Cepelia
Date : 2024-12
Location: Warsaw
Category : stage / Studio

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