• CueLux - visual_production_cuelux.jpg


Visual Productions

Computerized lighting control manufacturer Visual Productions presents Cuelux, its most intuitive software controller for the entertainment lighting industry, incorporating a range of exciting and new features.

Cuelux is a DMX 512 lighting controller for intelligent lights, LED, dimmers, lasers and various other effects. The programme is platform-independent and available on Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows and Ubuntu Linux. The software is shipped with a USB-to-DMX adapter cable that easily fits in your laptop bag.

Key to the design of Cuelux is its intuitive graphical user-interface. It is specially designed to reduce the amount of time required to learn how to operate the software. Combined with its affordable price, Cuelux is available to a large audience of Light Jockeys, DJ’s, free-lance technicians, rental companies and tour bands.

A fresh and feature-rich design has made Cuelux the ideal controller for the start of any lighting-career.

  • european product

Category: controll , Visual Productions

Tags: lighting control , stage , architectural

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