Astralite 3

Code: Astralite 3

Many years prior to the widespread acceptance of the trussing format, AstraLite was originally conceived to a structural solution to the requirements of touring acts, television studios and night clubs. Since then the original product has been relentlessly developed and whilst retaining compatibility, every generation of AstraLite remain an excellent choice for any application where compact size and low weight must be combined with workable load capacities.

Category: konstrukcje

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AO3-L020 1,08 TRIANGLE

20 CM
AO3-L040 1,64 TRIANGLE

40 CM
AO3-L060 2,16 TRIANGLE

60 CM
AO3-L080 2,66 TRIANGLE

80 CM

100 CM
AO3-L200 5,84 TRIANGLE

200 CM

300 CM
AO3-L400 10,52 TRIANGLE

400 CM
AO3-L500 12,32 TRIANGLE

500 CM
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