Patrick Woodroffe in Warsaw

  • 2013-04-28
  • events

On April 23 at the Capitol Theatre in Warsaw world famous star of light design - Patrick Woodroffe, one of the most famous lighting designer, author inter alia, lighting design of opening and closing ceremonies last Olympic Games in London, the city's theater and film production, as well as the author of such lighting tours celebrities like Michael Jackson, Tina Turner, the Rolling Stones, AC-DC, and many others  talked about his life-long passion and the experience gained in cooperation with the biggest names in the world of show business. Everyone was impressed with both the knowledge and the vast openness and charisma of designer  who willingly shared their experiences and entertained the guests with interesting stories of touring. None of the questions was left unanswered and finally all all eager received commemorative autographs.

It was the first meeting of the serie Shining Star, organized by the companies:  Clay Paky - excellent manufacturer of lighting and Prolight Ltd.

We look forward to your suggestions, who  do you want to see, listen and the views of how they should look next seminars in the serie Shining Stars.

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